Prof. Azamal Husen
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Prof. Azamal Husen

Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from Forest Research Institute, India

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Azamal Husen served as Professor & Head, Department of Biology, University of Gondar, Ethiopia and is a Foreign Delegate at Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita, Ethiopia. He has 20 years of research and teaching experience. To his credit are >200 publications.

Area of Interest:

Plant Biology
Plant Physiology
Medicinal Botany
Plant Propagation

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Wagay, J.A., S. Singh, M.M. Raffi, Q.I. Rahman and A. Husen, 2019. Impact of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials on Plant Functioning and Rhizosphere. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, pp: 553-575.
  2. Sohrab, S.S., M.A. Ilah, I. Daur and A. Husen, 2019. Molecular diagnosis of begomovirus associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of Urena lobate. Pak. J. Bot., 51: 1-8.
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  3. Singh, S. and A. Husen, 2019. Role of Nanomaterials in the Mitigation of Abiotic Stress in Plants. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, pp: 441-471.
  4. Siddiqi, K.S., M. Rashid, Tajuddin, S. Rehman and A. Husen, 2019. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Diospyros Montana Roxb. and their antimicrobial activity against some clinical isolates. Bio Nano Sci., 9: 302-312.
  5. Raffi, M.M. and A. Husen, 2019. Impact of Fabricated Nanoparticles on the Rhizospheric Microorganisms and Soil Environment. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-05569-1, pp: 529-552.
  6. Mishra, V.K., A. Husen, Q.I. Rahman, M. Iqbal, S.S. Sohrab, M.O. Yassin and R.K. Bachheti, 2019. Plant-Based Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticles and their Application. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-05569-1, pp: 135-175.
  7. Joshi, A., A. Sharma, R.K. Bachheti, A. Husen and V.K. Mishra, 2019. Plant-Mediated Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and their Biological Applications. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, pp: 221-237.
  8. Husen, A., Q.I. Rahman, M. Iqbal and M.O. Yassin, 2019. Plant-Mediated Fabrication of Gold Nanoparticles and their Application in Some Cutting-Edge Areas. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-05569-1, pp: 71-110.
  9. Husen, A., M. Iqbal, N. Khanum, I.M. Aref, S.S. Sohrab and G. Meshresa, 2019. Modulation of salt-stress tolerance of niger (Guizotia abyssinica) an oilseed plant, by application of salicylic acid. J. Environ. Biol., 40: 96-104.
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  10. Husen, A., 2019. Natural Product-Based Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Application. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, pp: 193-291.
  11. Husen, A., 2019. Medicinal Plant-Product Based Fabrication Nanoparticles (Au and Ag) and their Anticancer Effect. In: Plants that Fight Cancer. Kintzios, S.E., M. Barberaki and Flampouri (Eds.)., 2nd Edn., Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, USA., Pages: 518.
  12. Husen, A. and M. Iqbal, 2019. Nanomaterials and Plant Potential: An Overview. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-05569-1, Pages: 605.
  13. Husen, A. and M. Iqbal, 2019. Nanomaterials and Plant Potential. Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, ISBN: 978-3-030-05569-1.
  14. Bachheti, R.K., V. Gupta, A. Husen, A. Joshi and R. Konwarh, 2019. Recent Advances in Plant-Mediated Synthesis of Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles and their Applications in Biological Systems. In: Nanomaterials and Plant Potential, Husen, A. and M. Iqbal (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, pp: 239-259.
  15. Bachheti, A., A. Sharma, R.K. Bachheti, A. Husen and D.P. Pandey, 2019. Plant Allelochemicals and their Various Application. In: Co-Evolution of Secondary Metabolites, Reference Series in Phytochemistry, Mérillon, J.M. and K.G. Ramawat (Eds.)., Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-96397-6, Pages: 1100.
  16. Sohrab, S.S., M. Suhail, A. Ali, A. Husen and F. Ahmad, et al., 2018. Role of viruses, prions and miRNAs in neurodegeneration and dementia. Virus Dis., 29: 419-433.
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  17. Siddiqi, K.S., M. Rashid, A. Rahman, Tajuddin, A. Husen and S. Rehman, 2018. Biogenic fabrication and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous-ethanolic extract of lichen (Usnea longissima) and their antimicrobial activity. Biomater. Res., 22: 23-23.
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  18. Siddiqi, K.S., A. Rahman, Tajuddin and A. Husen, 2018. Properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles and their activity against microbes. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 13: 141-141.
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  19. Siddiqi, K.S., A. Husen, S.S. Sohrab and M. Osman, 2018. Recent status of nanomaterials fabrication and their potential applications in neurological disease management. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 13: 231-231.
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  20. Siddiqi, K.S., A. Husen and R.A. Rao, 2018. A review on biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and their biocidal properties. J. Nanobiotechnol., Vol. 16. 10.1186/s12951-018-0334-5.
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  21. Husen, A., M. Iqbal, S.S. Sohrab and M.K.A. Ansari, 2018. Salicylic acid alleviates salinity-caused damage to foliar functions, plant growth and antioxidant system in Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Br.). Agric. Food Secur., 7: 44-44.
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  22. Delelegn, A., S. Sahile and A. Husen, 2018. Water purification and antibacterial efficacy of Moringa oleifera Lam. Agric. Food Secur., 7: 25-25.
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  23. Sohrab, S.S., M. Suhail, A. Ali, M.A. Kamal, A. Husen and E.I. Azhar, 2017. Recent development and future prospects of plant-based vaccines. Curr. Drug Meta., 18: 831-841.
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  24. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2017. Recent advances in plant-mediated engineered gold nanoparticles and their application in biological system. J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol., 40: 10-23.
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  25. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2017. Plant response to strigolactones: Current developments and emerging trends. Applied Soil Ecol., 120: 247-253.
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  26. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2017. Plant response to engineered metal oxide nanoparticles. Nanoscale Res. Lett., Vol. 12. 10.1186/s11671-017-1861-y.
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  27. Hussein, M., A. Embiale, A. Husen, I.M. Aref and M. Iqbal, 2017. Salinity-induced modulation of plant growth and photosynthetic parameters in faba bean (Vicia faba) cultivars. Pak. J. Bot., 49: 867-877.
  28. Husen, A., M. Iqbal, S.N. Siddiqui, S.S. Sohrab and G. Masresha, 2017. Effect of indole-3-butyric acid on clonal propagation of mulberry (Morus alba L.) stem cuttings: Rooting and associated biochemical changes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Sect. B: Biol. Sci., 87: 161-166.
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  29. Husen, A., M. Iqbal and I.M. Aref, 2017. Plant growth and foliar characteristics of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as affected by indole-acetic acid under water-sufficient and water-deficient conditions. J. Environ. Biol., 38: 179-186.
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  30. Husen, A., 2017. Gold Nanoparticles from Plant System: Synthesis, Characterization and their Application. In: Nanoscience and Plant–Soil Systems, Ghorbanpourn, M., K. Manika and A. Varma (Eds.)., Vol. 48, Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-46835-8, pp: 455-479.
  31. Sohrab, S.S., M.A. Kamal, A. Ilah, A. Husen, P.S. Bhattacharya and D. Rana, 2016. Development of cotton leaf curl virus resistant transgenic cotton using antisense C1 gene. Saudi J. Boil. Sci., 23: 358-362.
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  32. Siddiqi, K.S., A.U. Rahman and T.A. Husen, 2016. Biogenic fabrication of iron/iron oxide nanoparticles and their application. Nanoscale Res. Let., Vol. 11. 10.1186/s11671-016-1714-0.
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  33. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2016. Green synthesis, characterization and uses of palladium/platinum nanoparticles. Nanoscale res. Let., Vol. 11. .
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  34. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2016. Fabrication of metal nanoparticles from fungi and metal salts: Scope and application. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 11: 98-98.
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  35. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2016. Fabrication of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles by algae and their toxic effects. Nanoscale Res. Let., Vol. 11. .
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  36. Siddiqi, K.S. and A. Husen, 2016. Engineered gold nanoparticles and plant adaptation potential. Nanoscale Res. Lett., Vol. 11. 10.1186/s11671-016-1607-2.
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  37. Husen, A., M. Iqbal and I.M. Aref, 2016. IAA-induced alteration in growth and photosynthesis of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants grown under salt stress. J. Environ. Biol., 37: 421-429.
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  38. Embiale, A., M. Hussein, A. Husen, S. Sahile and K. Mohammed, 2016. Differential sensitivity of Pisum sativum L. cultivars to water-deficit stress: Changes in growth, water status, chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange attributes. J. Agron., 15: 45-57.
  39. Aref, I.M., P.R. Khan, A.A. Al Sahli, A. Husen, M.K.A. Ansari, Mahmooduzzafar and M. Iqbal, 2016. Response of Datura innoxia Linn. to gamma rays and its impact on plant growth and productivity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Sect. B: Biol. Sci., 86: 623-629.
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  40. Siddiqui, S.N., S. Umar, A. Husen and M. Iqbal, 2015. Effect of phosphorus on plant growth and nutrient accumulation in a high and a low zinc-accumulating chickpea genotypes. Ann. Phytomed., 4: 102-105.
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  41. Iqbal, M., A. Ahmad, M.K.A. Ansari, M.I. Qureshi and I.M. Aref et al., 2015. Improving the phytoextraction capacity of plants to scavenge metal(loid)-contaminated sites. Environ. Rev., 23: 44-65.
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  42. Getnet, Z., A. Husen, M. Fetene and G. Yemata, 2015. Growth, water status, physiological, biochemical and yield response of stay green sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties-a field trial under drought-prone area in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. J. Agron., 14: 188-202.
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  43. Sohrab, S.S., M.A. Kamal, A. Ilah, A. Husen, P.S. Bhattacharya and D. Rana, 2014. Development of Cotton leaf curl virus resistant transgenic cotton using antisense βC1 gene. Saudi J. Biol. Sci., (In Press). 10.1016/j.sjbs.2014.11.013.
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  44. Husen, A., M. Iqbal and I.M. Aref, 2014. Growth, water status and leaf characteristics of Brassica carinata under drought and rehydration conditions. Braz. J. Bot., 37: 217-227.
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  45. Husen, A. and K.S. Siddiqi, 2014. Plants and microbes assisted selenium nanoparticles: Characterization and application. J. Nanobiotechnol., Vol. 12. 10.1186/s12951-014-0028-6.
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  46. Husen, A. and K.S. Siddiqi, 2014. Phytosynthesis of nanoparticles: Concept, controversy and application. Nanoscale Res. Lett., Vol. 9. 10.1186/1556-276X-9-229.
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  47. Husen, A. and K.S. Siddiqi, 2014. Carbon and fullerene nanomaterials in plant system. J. Nanobiotechnol., Vol. 12. 10.1186/1477-3155-12-16.
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  48. Merawie, Y., S. Sahile, F. Moges and A. Husen, 2013. Antimicrobial activity of crude and semi-purified fractions of Warburgia ugandensis against some pathogens. J. Coastal Life Med., 1: 233-240.
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  49. Mengesha, A., A. Mekuria and A. Husen, 2013. Algal biomass and nutrient enrichment stress in the Angereb reservoir, Gondar, Ethiopia. Environ. Exp. Biol., 11: 91-98.
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  50. Husen, A., 2013. Growth characteristics, biomass and chlorophyll fluorescence variation of Garhwal Himalaya's fodder and fuel wood tree species at the nursery stage. Open J. For., 3: 12-16.
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  51. Husen, A., 2013. Clonal multiplication of teak (Tectona grandis) by using moderately hard stem cuttings: Effect of genotypes (FG1 and FG11 clones) and IBA treatment. Adv. For. Lett., 2: 14-19.
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  52. Husen, A., V.K. Mishra, K. Semwal and D. Kumar, 2012. Biodiversity Status in Ethiopia and Challenges. In: Environmental Pollution and Biodiversity, Bharati, K.P., A. Chauhan and P. Kumar (Eds.). Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, ISBN: 978-93-5056-149-2, pp: 31-79.
  53. Husen, A., 2012. Clonal Propagation of Teak (Tectona Grandis Linn. F.): Adventitious Root Formation: Influence of Physiological and Chemical Factors. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH and Co., Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-1705-2, pp: 1-461.
  54. Husen, A., 2012. Changes of soluble sugars and enzymatic activities during adventitious rooting in cuttings of Grewia optiva as affected by age of donor plants and auxin treatments. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 7: 1-16.
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  55. Husen, A. and S. Khatoon, 2012. Role of anthraquinones as a marker of juvenility and maturity in response to adventitious rooting of Tectona grandis. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 7: 220-231.
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  56. Husen, A. and S. Khatoon, 2012. Role of anthraquinones as a marker and maturity in response to adventitious rooting of Tectona grandis. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 7: 220-231.
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  57. Mishra, V.K., R.K. Bacheti and A. Husen, 2011. Medicinal Uses of Chlorophyll: A Critical Overview. In: Chlorophyll: Structure, Function and Medicinal Uses, Le, H. and E. Salcedo (Eds.)., Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, New York, ISBN: 978-1-62100-015-0, pp: 177-196.
  58. Husen, A., 2011. Rejuvenation and adventitious rooting in coppice-shoot cuttings of Tectona grandis as affected by stock-plant etiolation. Am. J. Plant Sci., 2: 370-374.
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  59. Husen, A., 2010. Growth characteristics, physiological and metabolic responses of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) clones differing in rejuvenation capacity subjected to drought stress. Silvae Genet., 59: 124-136.
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  60. Husen, A., 2009. Growth, chlorophyll fluorescence and biochemical markers in clonal ramets of shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) at nursery stage. New For., 38: 117-129.
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  61. Husen, A., 2008. Stock-plant etiolation causes drifts in total soluble sugars and anthraquinones and promotes adventitious root formation in teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) coppice shoots. Plant Growth Regul., 54: 13-21.
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  62. Husen, A., 2008. Clonal propagation of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. and associated metabolic changes during adventitious root primordium development. New For., 36: 13-27.
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  63. Husen, A., 2007. Global Scarcity, Demands and In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Bamboo. Research and Publication office, Faculty of Education, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, pp: 19-20.
  64. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2007. Seasonal changes in rooting response of hardwood cuttings of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) in relation to drift of total soluble sugar, starch and total nitrogen. Ann. For., 15: 11-13.
  65. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2007. Metabolic changes during adventitious root primordium development in Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teak) cuttings as affected by age of donor plants and auxin (IBA and NAA) treatment. New For., 33: 309-323.
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  66. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2007. Effect of branch position and auxin treatment on clonal propagation of Tectona grandis Linn. f. New For., 34: 223-233.
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  67. Husen, A., 2006. Role and efficacy of biopesticides, biofertilizers and biotechnology in sustainable agriculture. Focus Chro., 6: 94-109.
  68. Husen, A., 2006. Biological diversity: Benefits, threats and its conservation. Focus Chro., 6: 80-93.
  69. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2006. Variation in shoot anatomy and rooting behaviour of stem cuttings in relation to age of donor plants in teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.). New For., 31: 57-73.
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  70. Kaur, A., A. Husen and T.C. Pokhriyal, 2005. Effects of seedling source variation on nitrogen metabolism and biomass production in Albizia lebbek. J. Trop. For. Sci., 17: 557-565.
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  71. Husen, A., W. Negash, N. Birhane and B. Andualem, 2005. Genetically modified crops/genetically modified organisms: Prospects and problems. Focus Chro., 5: 283-300.
  72. Husen, A. and M. Faisal, 2005. Orchid diversity and its prospects of cultivation in uttaranchal, India. Anal. For., 12: 275-280.
  73. Bakshi, M., S. Bansal and A. Husen, 2005. Rooting of softwood nodal cuttings of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. (Shisham) as influenced by stump height and position of cuttings on shoots. Indian J. For., 28: 307-315.
  74. Husen, A., R. Khali and S. Nautiyal, 2004. Chlorophyll fluorescence in relation to diurnal changes of three Ficus species. Indian For., 130: 811-818.
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  75. Husen, A., R. Khali and S. Nautiyal, 2004. Altitudinal variation in chlorophyll fluorescence/photosynthetic efficiency in seedlings of some indigenous fodder species. Indian For., 130: 89-94.
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  76. Husen, A., 2004. Clonal propagation of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. by softwood nodal cuttings: Effects of genotypes, application of IBA and position of cuttings on shoots. Silvae Genet., 53: 50-55.
  77. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2004. Effect of N, P and K application to stock-plants on nutrient status of coppiced shoots of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) stock plants. Anal. For., 12: 22-28.
  78. Husen, A. and M. Iqbal, 2004. Growth performance of Datura innoxia Mill. Under the stress of coal-smoke pollution. Anal. For., 12: 182-190.
  79. Joshi, D.N., V.K. Mishra and A. Husen, 2003. Oils and Fats From Forest. In: Non-Timber Forest Products of India, Nautiyal, S. and A.K. Kaul (Eds.)., Jyoti Publishers and Distributors, Dehra Dun, India, ISBN 81-88617-00-8, pp: 294-313.
  80. Husen, A., R. Khali, S. Nautiyal and H.C.S. Bhandari, 2003. Effect of phytohormones on rooting of nodal shoot cuttings of Grewia optiva drummond. Indian For., 129: 1147-1152.
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  81. Husen, A., 2003. Effects of IBA and NAA treatments on rooting of Rauvolfia serpentine Benth. ex Kurz shoot cuttings. Ann. For., 11: 88-93.
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  82. Husen, A. and M.F. Rahman, 2003. Orchids an important group of plants for traditional system of medicine in India. Indian For., 129: 651-653.
  83. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2003. Effect of serial bud grafting and etiolation on rejuvenation and rooting of mature trees of Tectona grandis Linn. f. Silvae Genetica, 52: 84-88.
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  84. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2003. Effect of serial bud grafting and etiolation on rejuvenation and rooting cuttings of mature trees of Tectona grandis Linn. f. Silvae Genet., 52: 84-88.
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  85. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2003. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers on growth of stock plants of Tectona grandis (Linn. f.) and rooting behaviour of shoot cuttings. Silvae Genet., 52: 249-254.
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  86. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2003. Clonal propagation of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.): Effect of IBA application and adventitious root regeneration on vertically split cuttings. Silvae Genet., 52: 173-176.
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  87. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2003. Clonal propagation of Tectona grandis (Linn. f.): Effect of IBA application and root regeneration on vertically split cuttings. Silvae Genetica, 52: 173-176.
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  88. Borai, P. and A. Husen, 2003. Aromatic Oils From Forest. In: Non-Timber Forest Products of India, Nautiyal, S. and A.K. Kaul (Eds.)., Jyoti Publishers and Distributors, Dehra Dun, India, ISBN: 81-88617-00-8, pp: 314-331.
  89. Nautiyal, S., R. Kumar and A. Husen, 2002. Status of medicinal plants in India: Some latest issue. Anal. For., 10: 181-190.
  90. Husen, A., 2002. Adventitious root formations of shoot cuttings of Datura innoxia Mill. by IBA under intermittent mist. Anal. For., 10: 280-283.
  91. Bakshi, M. and A. Husen, 2002. Net photosynthesis in leafy nodal cuttings of Eucalyptus hybrid under intermittent mist as influenced by auxin application. Indian For., 128: 65-69.
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  92. Husen, A. and V.K. Mishra, 2001. Effect of IBA and NAA on vegetative propagation of Vitex negundo L. through leafy stem cuttings from hedged shoots during rainy season. Ind. Perf., 45: 83-87.
  93. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2001. Interactive effect of auxin and etiolation on adventitious root formation in cuttings of Tectona grandis Linn. f. Indian For., 127: 526-532.
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  94. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2001. Clonal propagation of Tectona grandis (Linn. f.): Effects of IBA and leaf area on carbohydrates drifts and adventitious root regeneration on branch cuttings. Ann. For., 9: 88-95.
  95. Husen, A. and M. Pal, 2000. Analytical studies on the effects interaction with respect to position, season and auxin on adventitious root formation in stem cuttings of mature teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.). Ann. For., 8: 253-261.
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  96. Kazmi, S.I. and A. Husen, 1999. Record of Anisolemnia (Caria) Dialatata FAB. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) as a predator on Oregma bambusa Bukton (Homoptera: Aphididae) infesting bamboo. Ann. For., 7: 299-300.
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  97. Husen, A., S.T. Ali, Mahmooduzzafar and M. Iqbal, 1999. Structural, functional and biochemical responses of Datura innoxia Mill. to coal-smoke pollution. Proc. Acad. Environ. Biol., 8: 61-72.