Dr. Srinivasan Alavandar
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Dr. Srinivasan Alavandar

Professor and Dean
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Affiliated to Anna University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Electronics and Computer Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, India

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Computer Engineering
Computational Intelligence
Control Systems

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Shajahan, B. and S. Alavandar, 2018. Congestion controller for best effort networks using fuzzy inference system. J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 15: 40-46.
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  2. Priya, N.S., R. Sasikala, S. Alavandar and L. Bharathi, 2018. Security aware trusted cluster based routing protocol for wireless body sensor networks. Wireless Pers. Commun., 102: 3393-3411.
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  3. Lakshmanan, B., S. Ramasamy and S. Alavandar, 2016. Adaptive burst assembly algorithm for reducing burst loss and delay in OBS networks. Asian J. Inf. Technol., 15: 2123-2132.
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  4. Kumar, S. and A. Srinivasan, 2016. Control of robot manipulator error using fpdi–iqga in neural network. J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 13: 1740-1748.
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  5. Kumar, A.T. and A. Srinivasan, 2016. GRNN based inertia parameters identification of robot dynamics. Adv. Nat. Appl. Sci., 16: 115-119.
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  6. Patil, S.G., S. Mandal, A.V. Hegde and S. Alavandar, 2011. Neuro-Fuzzy Based Approach for Wave Transmission Prediction of Horizontally Interlaced Multilayer Moored Floating Pipe Breakwater. Ocean Eng., 38: 186-196.
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  7. Jain, T., S. Alavandar, S.V. Radhamohan and M.J. Nigam, 2010. Genetically-Bacterial Swarm Optimization: Fuzzy Pre-Compensated Pd Control Of Two-Link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator. Int. J. Intell. Comput. Cybern., 3: 463-494.
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  8. Jain, T., M.J. Nigam and S. Alavandar, 2010. A Hybrid Genetically-Bacterial Foraging Algorithm Converged by Particle Swarm Optimisation for Global Optimisation. Int. J. Bio-Inspired Comput., 2: 340-348.
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  9. Alavandar, S., T. Jain and M.J. Nigam, 2010. Hybrid bacterial foraging and particle swarm optimisation for fuzzy precompensated control of flexible manipulator. Int. J. Automation Control, 40: 234-251.
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  10. Alavandar, S., T. Jain and M.J. Nigam, 2009. Particle swarm optimized hybrid fuzzy precompensated trajectory control of rigid-flexible manipulator. Int. J. Knowledge-Based Intell. Eng. Syst., 13: 155-167.
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  11. Alavandar, S., T. Jain and M.J. Nigam, 2009. Bacterial foraging optimized hybrid fuzzy precompensated pd control of two link rigid - flexible manipulator. Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., 2: 51-59.
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  12. Alavandar, S. and M.J. Nigam, 2009. New hybrid adaptive neuro fuzzy algorithms for manipulator control with uncertainties -comparative study. ISA Transactions, 48: 497-502.
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  13. Alavandar, S. and M.J. Nigam, 2009. Comparative analysis of conventional and soft computing based control strategies for robot manipulators with uncertainties. Int. J. Comput. Cognition,. 7: 52-61.
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  14. Alavandar, S. and M.J. Nigam, 2008. Neuro-Fuzzy based approach for inverse kinematics solution of industrial robot manipulators. Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control, 3: 224-234.
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  15. Alavandar, S. and M.J. Nigam, 2008. Fuzzy PD+I control of a six dof robot manipulator. Ind. Robot Int. J., 35: 125-132.
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  16. Alavandar, S. and M.J. Nigam, 2008. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based control of six dof robot manipulator. J. Eng. Sci. Technol. Rev., 1: 106-111.
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  17. Alavandar, S., K.A.V. Sundaram and M.J. Nigam, 2007. Genetic algorithm based robot massage. J. Theor. Applied Inform. Technol., 3: 102-109.
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  18. Alavandar, S. and M.J. Nigam, 2007. Tracking control of 3-DOF robot manipulator using genetic algorithm tuned fuzzy PID controller. J. Theor. Applied Inform. Technol., 3: 15-24.