Dr. Adnan Younis
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Dr. Adnan Younis

Assistant Professor
University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan

Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Horticultural Science from University of Minnesota, USA

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Dr. Adnan Younis is currently working as Research Scientist at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, and Assistant Professor at Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. He has completed his Ph.D. in Horticulture from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad and Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA. He is professional member of International Society for Horticultural Science, (ISHS), Association of Floriculture Professionals, (OFA) USA, and the Korean Society for Floricultural Science, Pakistan Botanical Society (PBS), and Korean Society for Horticultural Science, and Pakistan Society of Horticulture Science. He has completed 5 research funded research projects. He is also serving member of editorial and advisory board for journals. He has published 74 research articles in journal as well as 40 abstracts. He also received several travel grants and research grants. He also attended several professional meeting, training and workshops.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Horticultural Research
Hybrid Development
Plant Science

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zulfiqar, F., S.E. Allaire, N.A. Akram, A. Mendez and A. Younis et al., 2019. Challenges in organic component selection and biochar as an opportunity in potting substrates: A review. J. Plant Nut., 42: 1386-1401.
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  2. Zulfiqar, F., A. Younis, M. Asif, Z. Abideen, S.E. Allaire and Q.S. Shao, 2019. Evaluation of container substrates containing compost and biochar for ornamental plant Dracaena deremensis. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 56: 613-621.
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  3. Yin, L.., J. Zhou, D. Chen, A. Younis, B. Zheng, Q. Shao and T. Han, 2019. A review of the application of near-infrared spectroscopy to rare traditional Chinese medicine. Spectroch. Acta Part A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., Vol. 221. 10.1016/j.saa.2019.117208.
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  4. Yea, S., Z. Wang, J. Shen, Q. Shao, H. Fang, B. Zheng and A. Younis, 2019. Sensory qualities, aroma components, and bioactive compounds of Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. as affected by different drying methods. Ind. Crops Prod., 134: 80-88.
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  5. Chen, D., Q. Shao, L. Yin, A. Younis and B. Zheng, 2019. Polyamine function in plants: metabolism, regulation on development, and roles in abiotic stress responses. Front. Plant Sci., 10.3389/fpls.2018.01945.
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  6. Ahsan, M., A. Younis, M.J. Jaskani, U. Tariq and M.R. Shaheen et al., 2019.. Anatomical changes in stem of scented Rosa spp. in response to heavy metal accumulation under wastewater treatment. Int. J. Agri. Biol., 21: 1159-1165.
  7. Younis, A., M.S. Akhtar, A. Riaz, F. Zulfiqar and M. Qasim et al., 2018. Improved cut flower and corm production by exogenous moringa leaf extract application on Gladiolus cultivars. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17: 25-38.
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  8. Younis, A., M. Qasim, A. Riaz, M. Ishaq and F. Zulfiqar et al., 2018. Attitudes of citizens towards community involvement for development and maintenance of urban green spaces: A Faisalabad case study. Pak. J. Agr. Sci., 55: 73-82.
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  9. Ramzan, F., H.T. Kim, K.K. Shim, Y.H. Choi, A. Younis and K.B. Lim, 2018. Genetic diversity and relationship assessment of Lilium lancifolium Asiatic hybrid ‘Chianti’ progeny by ISSR markers. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci., 83: 142-150.
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  10. Ramzan, F., H.T. Kim, K.K. Shim, A. Younis, Y.H. Choi, Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2018. Evaluation of F1 and BC1 hybrids of Lilium lancifolium Asiatic hybrid ‘Chianti’ by morphological analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 93: 614-624.
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  11. Ahsan, M., A. Younis, M.J. Jaskani, A. Tufail and A. Riaz et al., 2018. Heavy metal accumulation imparts structural differences in fragrant Rosa species irrigated with marginal quality water. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 159: 240-248.
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  12. Ahsan, M., A. Younis, A. Riaz, M.J. Jaskani and M. Qasim et al., 2018. Treated and untreated wastewater imparts morphological changes to scented Rosa species in peri-urban area. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 55: 111-117.
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  13. Younis, A., A. Riaz, U. Tariq, M. Nadeem and N.A. Khan et al., 2017. Drought tolerance of Leucophyllum frutescens: Physiological and morphological studies reveal the potential xerophyte. Acta Sci. Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus, 16: 89-98.
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  14. Younis, A., A. Riaz, M. Qasim, F. Mansoor and F. Zulfiqar et al., 2017. Screening of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cultivars for drought stress based on vegetative and physiological characteristics. Int. J. Food Allied Sci., 3: 56-63.
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  15. Ramzan, F., A. Younis, and K.B. Lim, 2017. Application of genomic in situ hybridization in horticultural science. Int. J. Genomics, 10.1155/2017/7561909.
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  16. Ramzan, F., A. Younis, K.B. Lim, S.H. Bae and M.J. Kwon et al., 2017. Analysis of Oriental Trumpet (OT) Lilium hybrids by genomic in situ hybridization based on ploidy level. Acta Hortic., 1171: 253-258.
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  17. Nazir, S., A. Younis, A. Riaz, A. Akram and N.A. Khan et al., 2017. Nutritional efficacy of various growing substrates for potted Ravenea rivularis palm production. Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 331-340.
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  18. Naseem, M.K., M.B. Chattha, A. Younis, H. Sardar, M.A. Hanif and G. Akhtar, 2017. Supercritical fluid extraction technology for essential oil extraction of Murraya exotica. Int. J. Biosci., 10: 151-159.
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  19. Lucidos, J.G., A. Younis and K.B. Lim, 2017. Determination of flower bud initiation in oriental hybrid lilies ‘siberia’ and ‘sorbonne’. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 54: 15-20.
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  20. Hussain, R., A. Younis, A. Riaz, U. Tariq, S. Ali, A. Ali and S. Raza, 2017. Evaluating sustainable and environment friendly substrates for quality production of potted Caladium. Int. J. Recycl. Org. Waste Agric., 6: 13-21.
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  21. Akram, A., A. Younis, G. Akhtar, K. Ameer and A. Farooq et al., 2017. Comparative efficacy of various essential oil extraction techniques on oil yield and quality ofJasminum sambac L. Sci. Int., 5: 84-95.
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  22. Ahsan, M., A. Younis, A. Riaz, M.J. Jaskani and M.A. Haneef et al., 2017. Heavy metal profile of four fragrant and oil bearing Rosa species cultivated under treated and untreated wastewater in peri-urban area. Oxid. Commun., 40: 1404-1418.
  23. Ahn, Y.J., Y.J. Hwang, A. Younis, M.S. Sung and F. Ramzan et al., 2017.. Investigation of karyotypic composition and evolution in Lilium species belonging to the section martagon. Plant Biotechnol. Rep., 11: 407-416.
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  24. Afzal, I., A. Rahim, M. Qasim, A. Younis, A. Nawaz, M.A. Bakhtavar, 2017. Inducing salt tolerance in french marigold (Tagetes patula) through seed priming. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16: 109-118.
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  25. Younis, A., A. Riaz, F. Zulfiqar, A. Akram and N.A. Khan et al., 2016. Quality lady palm (Rhapis exclesa L.) production using various growing media. Int. J. Adv. Agric. Sci., 1: 1-9.
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  26. Shahid, A., R. Hussain, A. Riaz, A. Younis and M.M. Javaid et al., 2016. Effect of different substrates on vegetative growth and quality of cast iron (Aspidistra elatior L.). Int. J. Biosci., 10: 297-308.
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  27. Riaz, A., U. Tariq, M. Qasim, M.R. Shaheen, A. Iqbal, and A. Younis, 2016. Effect of water stress on growth and dry matter partitioning of Conocarpus erectus. Acta Hortic., 1112: 163-172.
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  28. Nadeem, R., I. Shahzadi, M.A. Hanif, S. Mumtaz, M.I. Jilani and A. Younis, 2016. Bioactivities and chemical profiling of Livistona chinensis oleoresin. Oxidation Comuun., 3: 2237-2248.
  29. Akhtar, G., A. Akram, Y. Sajjad, A. Farooq, R.M. Balal, A. Younis and K.B. Lim, 2016. Improving flower yield of two essential oil bearing rosa species through pruning severity. Pak. J. Nutr., 15: 328-332.
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  30. Afzal, I., K.Y. Abbasi, A. Iqbal, A. Younis, M.A. Bakhtavar, H.U. Rehman, 2016. Enhancement of zinnia seed germination and seedling emergence through magnetic seed stimulation. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 15: 173-184.
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  31. Younis, A., F. Ramzan, Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2015. FISH and GISH: Molecular cytogenetic tools and their applications in ornamental plants. Plant Cell Rep., 34: 1477-1488.
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  32. Younis, A., A. Riaz, N. Mushtaq, Z. Tahir and M.I. Siddique, 2015. Evaluation of the suitability of sewage and recycled water for irrigation of ornamental plants. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 46: 62-79.
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  33. Younis, A., A. Riaz, F. Javaid, M. Ahsan, U. Tariq, S. Aslam and N. Majeed, 2015. Influence of various growing substrates on growth and flowering of potted miniature rose cultivar Baby Boomer. Specialty J. Agric. Sci., 1: 28-33.
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  34. Riaz, A., A. Younis, I. Ghani, U. Tariq and M. Ahsan, 2015. Agricultural waste as growing media component for the growth and flowering of Gerbera jamesonii cv. hybrid mix. Int. J. Recycl. Org. Waste Agric., 4: 197-204.
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  35. Naseem, M.K., M.A. Khan, A. Younis and R. Ahmad, 2015. Exploiting the nutritional requirement for growth, flower production and phytochemical profile of Murraya exotica. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 52: 377-384.
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  36. Naseem, M.K., A. Younis, M.A. Khan and R. Ahmad, 2015. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of Murraya exotica essential oil extracted through different extraction techniques. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25: 1730-1736.
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  37. Nadeem, M., A. Younis, A. Riaz and K.B. Lim, 2015. Crossability among modern roses and heterosis of quantitative and qualitative traits in hybrids. Hortic. Environ. Biotechnol., 56: 487-497.
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  38. Khan, M.A.S., A. Younis and A. Riaz, 2015. Postharvest treatments for extending the vase life of cut stock (Matthiola incana L.) cv. gold cut series. Agric. Commun., 3: 37-42.
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  39. Hwang, Y.J., T.J. Yang, H.H. Kim, A. Younis and K.B. Lim, 2015. Random PCR of micro-dissected chromosome amplified predominantly repeated DNA in Lilium tigrinum. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 17: 169-174.
  40. Hwang, Y.J., C.M. Song, A. Younis, C.K. Kim, Y.I. Kang and K.B. Lim, 2015. Morphological characterization under different ecological habitats and physical mapping of 5S and 45S rDNA in Lilium distichum with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., Vol. 88. .
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  41. Bae, S.H., A. Younis, Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2015. Various pollen morphology in Hibiscus syriacus. Flower Res. J., 23: 125-130.
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  42. Bae, H., A. Younis, Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2015. Comparative morphological analysis of native and exotic cultivars of Hibiscus syriacus. Flower Res. J., 23: 243-249.
  43. Akram, A., G. Akhtar, I. Ahmad, R.M. Balal, M.A. Shahid, A. Younis and S. Imran, 2015. Research article efficacy of planting seasons and macro nutritional levels on growth, yield and vase life of carnation Dianthus caryophyllus L. Sci. Technol. Dev., 34: 169-178.
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  44. Younis, A., Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2014. Exploitation of induced 2n-gametes for plant breeding. Plant Cell Rep., 33: 215-223.
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  45. Younis, A., Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2014. Classical vs. modern genetic and breeding approaches for lily (Lilium) crop improvement: A review. Flower Stud., 22: 39-47.
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  46. Younis, A., S. Anjum, A. Riaz, M. Hameed, U. Tariq and M. Ahsan, 2014. Production of quality Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis cv. Redskin) flowers by efficient nutrients management running title: Plant nutrition impacts on Dahlia quality. Am. Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 14: 137-142.
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  47. Younis, A., M.I. Siddique, C.K. Kim and K.B. Lim, 2014. RNA interference (RNAi) induced gene silencing: A promising approach of hi-tech plant breeding. Int. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 1150-1158.
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  48. Younis, A., A. Riaz, N.M. Sabi-ul-Hasan and M. Hameed, 2014. Response of Hedera helix (English Ivy) to various salinity levels. J. Horticult. For. Biotechnol., 18: 1-6.
  49. Younis, A., A. Riaz, I. Ahmed, M.I. Siddique, U. Tariq, M. Hameed and M. Nadeem, 2014. Anatomical changes induced by NaCl stress in root and stem of Gazania harlequin L. Agric. Commun., 2: 8-14.
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  50. Ramzan, F., A. Younis, A. Riaz, S. Ali, M.I. Siddique and K.B. Lim, 2014. Pre-planting exogenous application of gibberellic acid influences sprouting, vegetative growth, flowering, and subsequent bulb characteristics of Ad-Rem tulip. Horticult. Environ. Biotechnol., 55: 479-488.
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  51. Qasim, M., A. Younis, Z.A. Zahir, A. Riaz, H. Raza and U. Tariq, 2014. Microbial inoculation increases the nutrient uptake efficiency for quality production of Gladiolus grandiflorus. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 51: 875-880.
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  52. Park, J.T., Y.J. Hwang, H.I. Lee, A. Younis and K.B. Lim, 2014. Ecological analysis of Lilium tsingtauense native in Korea. Horticult. Environ. Biotechnol., 55: 230-236.
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  53. Nadeem, M., X. Wang, M. Akond, F.S. Awan, A.I. Khan, A. Riaz and A. Younis, 2014. Hybrid identification, morphological evaluation and genetic diversity analysis of Rosa × hybrida by SSR markers. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 8: 183-190.
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  54. Nadeem, M., M. Akond, A. Riaz, M. Qasim, A. Younis and A. Farooq, 2014. Pollen morphology and viability relates to seed production in hybrid roses. Plant Breed. Seed Sci., 68: 25-38.
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  55. Malik, S., S. Rehman, A. Younis, M. Qasim, M. Nadeem and A. Riaz, 2014. Evaluation of quality, growth and physiological potential of various turf grass cultivars for shade garden. J. Horticult. For. Biotechnol., 18: 110-121.
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  56. Lucidos, J.G., A. Younis, Y.J. Hwang and K.B. Lim, 2014. Determination of optimum conditions for breaking bulb dormancy in relation to growth and flowering in Lilium hansonii. Horticult. Environ. Biotechnol., 55: 257-262.
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  57. Lee, H.I., A. Younis, Y.J. Hwang, Y.I. Kang and K.B. Lim, 2014. Molecular cytogenetic analysis and phylogenetic relationship of 5S and 45S ribosomal DNA in Sinomartagon Lilium species by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Horticult. Environ. Biotechnol., 55: 514-523.
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  58. KiByung, L., A. Younis, T. Jong and Y.J. Hwang, 2014. Exploitation of diversity for morphological traits in Lilium tsingtauense under different habitats. Notulae Sci. Biol., 6: 178-184.
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  59. Kashif, M., K. Rizwan, M.A. Khan, A. Younis and W. Aslam et al., 2014. Efficacy of macro and micro-nurients as foliar application on growth and yield of Dahlia hybrida L.(Fresco). Int. J. Chem. Biochem. Sci., 5: 6-10.
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  60. Akram, A., M.A. Khan, A.Younis and M. Ashfaq, 2014. Exogenous application of 24-Epibrassinolide on Morpho-physiological, biochemical attributes and essential oil contents of Jasminum sambac L. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 51: 881-886.
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  61. Younis, A., K.B. Ryu, Y.J. Hwang, S.O. Jee, M.S. Kim, C.K. Kim and K.B. Lim, 2013. Analysis of chromosomes and nuclear DNA content in nine genotypes of cymbidium. Flower Stud., 21: 158-161.
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  62. Younis, A., A. Riaz, S. Ikram, T. Nawaz and M. Hameed et al., 2013. Salinity-induced structural and functional changes in 3 cultivars of alternanthera bettzickiana (regel) G. Nicholson. Turk. J. Agric. For., 37: 674-687.
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  63. Younis, A., A. Riaz, S. Aslam, M. Ahsan and U. Tariq et al., 2013. Effect of different pruning dates on growth and flowering of Rosa centifolia. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 50: 605-609.
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  64. Younis, A., A. Riaz, M.I. Siddique, K.B. Lim, Y.J. Hwang and M.A. Khan, 2013. Anatomical and morphological variation in Dracaena reflexa Variegata grown in different organic potting substrates. Flower Res. J., 21: 162-171.
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  65. Younis, A., A. Riaz, M. Sajid, N. Mushtaq and M. Ahsan et al., 2013. Foliar application of macro- and micronutrients on the yield and quality of Rosa hybrida cvs. Cardinal and Whisky Mac. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 12: 702-708.
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  66. Riaz, A., M. Hameed, A.I. Khan, A. Younis and F.S. Awan, 2013. Assessment of biodiversity based on morphological characteristics and RAPD markers among genotypes of wild rose species. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 10: 12520-12526.
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  67. Riaz, A., A. Younis, A.R. Taj, A. Karim, U. Tariq, S. Munir and S. Riaz, 2013. Effect of drought stress on growth and flowering of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Pak. J. Bot., 45: 123-131.
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  68. Nadeem, M., A. Riaz, A. Younis, M. Akond, A. Farooq and U. Tariq, 2013. Improved technique for treating seed dormancy to enhance germination in Rosa × hybrida. Turk. J. Bot., 37: 521-529.
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  69. Lucidos, J.G., K.B. Ryu, A. Younis, C.K. Kim, Y.J. Hwang, B.G. Son and K.B. Lim, 2013. Different day and night temperature responses in Lilium hansonii in relation to growth and flower development. Horticult. Environ. Biotechnol., 54: 405-411.
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  70. Hwang, Y.J., A. Younis, K.B. Ryu, K.B. Lim and C.H. Eun et al., 2013. Karyomorphological analysis of wild Chrysanthemum boreale collected from four natural habitats in Korea. Flower Res. J., 21: 182-189.
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  71. Farooq, A., M.A. Khan, A. Riaz, A. Younis, S.J. Butt and M. Nadeem, 2013. Compatibility evaluation of various scented Rosa species through cross pollination. Int. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 13: 21-27.
  72. Cho, H.R., A. Younis, K.S. Kim, H.Y. Joung and K.B. Lim, 2013. Efficacy assessment of different screening methods for detecting resistance against Erwinia carotovora in calla lily. Flower Stud., 21: 152-157.
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  73. Ahsan, M., Shoaib-ur-Rehman, A. Younis, A. Riaz and U. Tariq, 2013. Comparative study of different techniques to create earliness and improvement in quality characteristics of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) cv. double. Am. Eur. J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 13: 1470-1475.
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  74. Younis, A., M.Z.M. Bhatti, A. Riaz, U. Tariq, M. Arfan, M. Nadeem and M. Ahsan, 2012. Effect of different types of mulching on growth and flowering of Freesia alba cv. aurora. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 49: 429-433.
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  75. Yasmeen, S., A. Younis, A. Rayit, A. Riaz and S. Shabeer, 2012. Effect of different substrates on growth and flowering of Dianthus caryophyllus cv. chauband mixed. Am. Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 12: 249-258.
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  76. Tariq, U., S.U. Rehman, M.A. Khan, A. Younis, M. Yaseen and M. Ahsan, 2012. Agricultural and municipal waste as potting media components for the growth and flowering of dahlia hortensis figaro. Turk. J. Bot., 36: 378-385.
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  77. Nawaz, T., M. Hameed, M.S.A. Ahmad, A. Younis and H. Kanwal, 2012. Comparative anatomy of root and stem of some native and exotic Asparagus L. species. Pak. J. Bot., 44: 153-158.
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  78. Nawaz, T., M. Hameed, M. Ashraf, F. Ahmad and M.S.A. Ahmad et al., 2012. Diversity and conservation status of economically important flora of the Salt range, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 44: 203-211.
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  79. Nadeem, M., A. Younis, A. Riaz, M. Hameed, T. Nawaz and M. Qasim, 2012. Growth response of some cultivars of bermuda grass (Cyanodon dactylon L.) to salt stress. Pak. J. Bot., 44: 1347-1350.
  80. Kanwal, H., M. Hameed, T. Nawaz, M.A. Ahmad and A. Younis, 2012. Structural adaptations for adaptability in some exotic and naturalized species of Agavaceae. Pak. J. Bot., 44: 129-134.
  81. Farooq, A., A. Younis, M. Qasim, A. Rlaz, S.M. Abbas and U. Tariq, 2012. Gas chromatography analysis of the absolute rose oil from Rosa damascena landraces and scented rose species from Pakistan. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 33-39.
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  82. Ahsan, M., S. Rehman, A. Younis, A. Riaz, U. Tariq and R. Waqas, 2012. Different strategies to create earliness and enhance quality of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) cv. Single. Asian J. Pharm. Biol. Res., 1: 84-88.
  83. Younis, A., A. Riaz, S.S. Khosa, A. Rayit and S. Yasmeen, 2011. Effect of foliar application of macro and micro nutrients on growth and flowering of Gerbera jamesonii L. Am. Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 11: 736-757.
  84. Younis, A., A. Mehdi and A. Riaz, 2011. Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and gas chromatography analysis of Jasminum sambac essential oil. Pak. J. Bot., 43: 163-168.
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  85. Tariq, U., S.U. Rehman and A. Younis, 2011. Potting Media. : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8465- 1744-4 pages: 84.
  86. Nawaz, T., M. Hameed, M. Ashraf, F. Al-Qurainy, M.S.A. Ahmad, A. Younis and M. Hayat, 2011. Ecological significance of diversity in leaf tissue architecture of some species/cultivars of the genus Rosa L. Pak. J. Bot., 43: 873-883.
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  87. Hameed, M., M. Ashraf, F. Al-Quriany, T. Nawaz, M.S.A. Ahmad, A. Younis and N. Naz, 2011. Medicinal flora of the Cholistan desert: A review. Pak. J. Bot., 43: 39-50.
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  88. Younis, A., A. Riaz, M. Waseem, M.A. Khan and M. Nadeem, 2010. Production of quality croton (Codiaeum variegatum) plants by using different growing media. Am. Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 7: 232-237.
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  89. Younis, A., 2010. Roses for Essential Oil Extraction. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Germany, : ISBN 978-3-639-28641-0 pages: 144.
  90. Younis, A. and A. Riaz, 2010. Horticulture: Establishment, Operations and management. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Germany, ISBN: 978-3-639-30021-5 pages: 160.
  91. Riaz, A., A. Younis, M. Hameed and S. Kiran, 2010. Morphological and biochemical responses of turf grasses to water deficit conditions. Pak. J. Bot., 42: 3441-3448.
  92. Hussain, G., M. Nadeem, A. Younis, A. Riaz, M.A. Khan and S. Naveed, 2010. Impact of public parks on human life: A case study. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 47: 225-230.
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  93. Anderson, N.O., A. Younis and Y. Sun, 2010. Intersimple sequence repeats distinguish genetic differences in Easter lily Nellie White clonal ramets within and among bulb growers over years. J. Am. Soc. Horticult. Sci., 135: 445-455.
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  94. Younis, A., A. Riaz, M.A. Khan and A.A. Khan, 2009. Effect of time of growing season and time of day for flower harvest on flower yield and essential oil quality and quantity of four Rosa cultivars. Floriculture Ornamental Biotechnol., 3: 98-103.
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  95. Riaz, A., M. Arshad, A. Younis, A. Raza and M. Hameed, 2008. Effects of different growing media on growth and flowering of zinnia elegans cv. blue point. Pak. J. Bot., 40: 1579-1585.
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  96. Younis, A., M.A. Khan, A.A. Khan, A. Riaz and M.A. Pervez, 2007. Effect of different extraction methods on yield and quality of essential oil from four Rosa species. Floriculture Ornamental Biotechnol., 1: 73-76.
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  97. Riaz, A., A. Younis, M. Hameed, M.A. Khan, R. Ahmed and A. Raza, 2007. Assessment of biodiversity based on morphological characteristics among wild rose genotypes. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 44: 295-299.
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  98. Younis, A., M.A. Khan, A. Ali and M.A. Pervez, 2006. Performance of four rosa species under Faisalabad agro-climatic conditions. Caderno Pesquisa J., 18: 8-15.
  99. Younis, A., M.A. Khan and M.A. Perviz, 2006. Effect of different chemicals on the vase life of cut rose flowers. Caderno de Pesquisa Ser Biol., 18: 7-15.
  100. Shafiq, M., A. Younas, M.A. Khan, A.A. Khan and A. Riaz, 2006. Correlation studies in Rosa species under Faisalabad (Pakistan) conditions. J. Agric. Soc. Sci., 1: 58-59.
  101. Younis, A. and A. Riaz, 2005. Effect of various hormones and different rootstocks on rose propagation. Caderno Pesquisa Ser. Biol., 17: 111-118.
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  102. Khan, M.A., A. Younis and M.N. Aslam, 2005. Impact of well planned landscape on producing quality environment for prisoners. J. Agric. Soc. Sci., 1: 69-70.
  103. Khan, A.R., A. Younis, A. Riaz and M.M. Abbas, 2005. Effect of interior plantscaping on indoor academic environment. J. Agric. Res., 43: 235-242.
  104. Younis, A., A. Riaz, M. Qasim and S. Akhtar, 2002. Development and management of green spaces on Sumundri road, Faisalabad: A case study. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 39: 292-296.
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  105. Riaz, A., Z. Batool, A. Younas and L. Abid, 2002. Green areas source of healthy environmental for people and value addition to property. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 4: 478-481.
  106. Akhtar, M.S., M.A. Khan, A. Riaz and A. Younis, 2002. Response of different Rose species to different root promoting hormones. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 39: 297-299.
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