Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed
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Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed

Assistant Professor
University of Science and Technology, Pakistan

Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Biotechnology from Lund University, Sweden

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Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Biological Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Shah, A.S., R.A. Khan, M. Ahmed and N. Muhammad, 2016. Hepatoprotective role of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Linn. against carbon tetrachloride-induced injuries. Toxicol. Ind. Health, 32: 292-298.
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  2. Khan, S., S. Khan, S. Batool and M. Ahmed, 2016. Purification and biochemical characterisation of acid phosphatase-I from seeds of Nelumbo nucifera. Nat. Prod. Res., 30: 570-573.
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  3. Khan, M.I., M. Ahmed, R.A. Khan, N. Mushtaq, D. Khan and S. Khan, 2016. Pharmacological evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and phytotoxic activities of crude extract and purified compound of Lonicera quinquelocularis Hardw. Bangladesh J. Bot., 45: 1235-1239.
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  4. Mushtaq, N., R. Schmatz, M. Ahmed, L.B. Pereira and P. da Costa et al., 2015. Protective effect of rosmarinic acid against oxidative stress biomarkers in liver and kidney of strepotozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J. Physiol. Biochem., 71: 743-751.
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  5. Khan, W.U., R.A. Khan, M. Ahmed, N. Mushtaq and L.U. Khan et al., 2015. Phytotoxic and cytotoxic evaluation of methanolic extract of Trifolium alexandrinum. World Applied Sci. J., 33: 542-546.
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  6. Khan, R.A., M.R. Khan, S. Sahreen, M. Ahmed and N.A. Shah, 2015. Carbon tetrachloride-induced lipid peroxidation and hyperglycemia in rat: A novel study. Toxicol. Ind. Health, 31: 546-553.
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  7. Khan, M.S., M. Ahmed, R.A. Khan, N. Mushtaq, M. Wasim and U. Shah, 2015. Consanguinity ratio in β-thalassemia major patients in district Bannu. J. Pak. Med. Assoc., 65: 1161-1163.
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  8. Khan, A., R.A. Khan, M. Ahmed and N. Mushtaq, 2015. Antioxidant and antifungal activities of selected fruits of districts Bannu and Lakki Marwat, Pakistan. Bangladesh J. Pharmacol., 10: 566-567.
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  9. Khan, A., R.A. Khan, M. Ahmed and N. Mushtaq, 2015. In vitro antioxidant, antifungal and cytotoxic activity of methanolic extract of Calligonum polygonoides. Bangladesh J. Pharmacol., 10: 316-320.
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  10. Ahmed, W., M. Ahmad and F. Shah, 2015. Pervasiveness of intestinal protozoan and worm incursion in IDP's (North Waziristan agency, KPK-Pakistan) children of 6-16 years. J. Pak. Med. Assoc., 65: 943-945.
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  11. Shah, A.S., M. Ahmed, H.M. Alkreathy, M.R. Khan, R.A. Khan and S. Khan, 2014. Phytochemical screening and protective effects of Trifolium alexandrinum (L.) against free radical-induced stress in rats. Food Sci. Nutr., 2: 751-757.
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  12. Mushtaq, N., R. Schmatz, L.B. Pereira, M. Ahmad and N. Stefanello et al., 2014. Rosmarinic acid prevents lipid peroxidation and increase in acetylcholinesterase activity in brain of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Cell Biochem. Funct., 32: 287-293.
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  13. Khan, S., M. Ahmad, N. Muhammad, R.A. Khan, S.U. Khan and A. Yousuf, 2014. Genetic diversity of Bemisia tabaci in Pakistan. Adv. Environ. Biol., 8: 1339-1344.
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  14. Khan, M.I., D.F. Khan, M. Ahmed, S. Khan, R.A. Khan and S. Noor, 2014. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of three different fractions of Lonicera quinquelocularis (translucent honeysuckle) plant. PhytoChem BioSub J., 8: 60-69.
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  15. Fernandes, M.S., T.T. Rissi, L. Zuravski, J. Mezzomo and C.R. Vargas et al., 2014. Oxidative stress and labile plasmatic iron in anemic patients following blood therapy. World J. Exp. Med., 4: 38-45.
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  16. Ahmad, M., A.D. Weber, G. Zanon, L.D.C. Tavares, V. Ilha, I.I. Dalcol and A.F. Morel, 2014. Inhibitory and enzyme-kinetic Investigation of chelerythrine and lupeol isolated from Zanthoxylum rhoifolium against krait snake venom acetylcholinesterase. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 25: 98-103.
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  17. Khan, R.A., M. Ahmed, M.I. Khan, N. Muhammad and M.R. Khan et al., 2013. Role of medicinal plants in free radical induced sickle cell anemia. Int. J. Biosci., 3: 188-194.
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  18. Khan, M.Z., R.A. Khan, M. Ahmed, N. Muhammad and M.R. Khan et al., 2013. Biological screening of methanolic crude extracts of Caralluma tuberculata. Int. J. Indigenous Med. Plants, 46: 2051-4263.
  19. Khan, M.Z., R.A. Khan, M. Ahmed and N. Muhammad, 2013. Protective effect of Caralluma tuberculata against CCl4 induced adrenal gland toxicity in rats. Int. J. Indigenous Med. Plants, 46: 1203-1207.
  20. Khan, M.I., M. Ahmad, R.A. Khan, A. Ullah, S. Rehman and B. Ullah, 2013. Phytotoxic, antioxidant and antifungal activity of crude methanolic extract of Equisetum debile. Int. J. Biosci., 3: 130-135.
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  21. Ahmed, M., Z.U. Wazir, R.A. Khan, M.I. Khan, S. Waqas and A. Iqbal, 2013. Pharmacological evaluation of crude methanolic extract of Kalanchoe pinnata leaves. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 95: 1539-1545.
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  22. Ahmed, M., M.I. Khan, M.R. Khan, N. Muhammad, A.U. Khan and R.A. Khan, 2013. Role of medicinal plants in oxidative stress and cancer. Open Access Sci. Rep., Vol. 2. 10.4172/scientificreports.641.
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  23. Khan, R.A., M.R. Khan, S. Sahreen and M. Ahmed, 2012. Assessment of flavonoids contents and in vitro antioxidant activity of Launaea procumbens. Chem. Cent. J., Vol. 6. 10.1186/1752-153X-6-43.
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  24. Khan, R.A., M.R. Khan, M. Ahmed, S. Sahreen and N.A. Shah, 2012. Hepatoprotection with a chloroform extract of Launaea procumbens against CCl4-induced injuries in rats. BMC Complement Altern Med., Vol. 12. 10.1186/1472-6882-12-114.
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  25. Khan, R.A., M. Ahmad, A.S. Shah, F.U. Khan, N.S. Khan, M.S. Shah and M.R. Khan, 2012. Phytotoxic characterization of crude methanolic extract of Periploca aphylla. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11: 11575-11579.
  26. Khan, R.A., A.S. Shah, M. Ahmad, F.U. Khan, N. Aslam, M.R. Khan and M.S. Shah, 2012. Phytotoxic activity of crude methanolic extract of Euphorbia prostrata collected from Bannu district (Pakistan). Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11: 2513-2517.
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  27. Khan, R.A., A.N. Khan and M. Ahmed, 2012. Production of bioethanol through enzymatic hydrolysis of potato. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11: 6739-6743.
  28. Ahmed, M., N. LatifKhan R.A., A. Ahmad, J.B.T. Rocha and C.M. Mazzanti et al., 2012. Enzymatic and biochemical characterization of Bungarus sindanus snake venom acetylcholinesterase. J. Venomous Anim. Toxins incl. Tropical Dis., 18: 236-243.
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  29. Ahmed, M., N. Latif, R.A. Khan and A. Ahmad, 2012. Toxicological effect of herbicides (Diuron and Bentazon) on snake venom and electric eel acetylcholinesterase. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 89: 229-233.
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  30. Khan, R.A., M. Ahmad, M.R. Khan, M. Yasir, B. Muhammad and R. Khan, 2011. Nutritional investigation and biological activities of Parthenium hysterophorus. Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 5: 2073-2078.
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  31. Khan, R.A., F. Khan, M. Ahmed, A.S. Shah, N.A. Khan, M.R. Khan and M.S. Shah, 2011. Phytotoxic and antibacterial assays of crude methanolic extract of Mentha longifolia (Linn.). Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 5: 1530-1533.
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  32. Khan, R.A., A.N. Khan, M. Ahmed, M.R. Khan and M.S. Shah et al., 2011. Bioethanol sources in Pakistan: A renewable energy resource. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 10: 19850-19854.
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  33. Bagatini, M.D., C.C. Martins, V. Battisti, D. Gasparetto and C.S. da Rosa et al., 2011. Oxidative stress versus antioxidant defenses in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Heart Vessels, 26: 55-63.
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  34. Ahmed, M., N. Latif, R.A. Khan, A. Ahmad, G. Thome and M.R. Schetinger, 2011. Inhibitory effect of arachidonic acid on venom acetylcholinesterase. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 93: 1659-1665.
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  35. Ahmad, M., A.S. Shah, R.A. Khan, F.U. Khan, N.S. Khan, M.S. Shah and M.R. Khan, 2011. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of crude methanolic extract of Euphorbia prostrata collected from District Bannu (Pakistan). Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 5: 1175-1178.
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  36. Khan, H., I. Ali, A.U. Khan, M. Ahmed and Z. Shah et al., 2010. Purification and biochemical characterization of alkaline serine protease from Caesalpinia bonducella. Nat. Prod. Commun., 5: 931-934.
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  37. Thome, G.R., C.M. Mazzanti, M. Ahmed, M. Correa and R.M. Spanevello et al., 2009. Activity of ectonucleotidases and adenosine deaminase in rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Inhalation Toxicol., 21: 906-912.
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  38. Siddiqua, A., M. Sherazi, R. Naz, A. Saeed and M. Ahmed et al., 2009. 130 kDa acid phosphatase from the liver of Labeo rohita: Isolation, purification and some kinetic properties. J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 31: 801-808.
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  39. Mazzanti, C.M., R. Spanevello, M. Ahmed, L.B. Pereira and J.F. Goncalves et al., 2009. Pre-treatment with ebselen and vitamin E modulate acetylcholinesterase activity: Interaction with demyelinating agents. Int. J. Dev. Neurosci., 27: 73-80.
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  40. Lunkes, D.S., G.I. Lunkes, M. Ahmed, A.L. Morsch and R.F. Zanin et al., 2009. Effect of different vasodilators on NTPDase activity in healthy and hypertensive patients. Thrombosis Res., 124: 268-274.
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  41. Hassan, W., M. Ibrahim, C.W. Nogueira, M. Ahmed and J.B. Rocha, 2009. Effects of acidosis and Fe (II) on lipid peroxidation in phospholipid extract: Comparative effect of diphenyl diselenide and ebselen. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 28: 152-154.
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  42. Ahmed, M., M.R. Schetinger, J.B.T. Rocha, V.M. Morsch and G.M. Khan, 2009. Toxicological effects of N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine on electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) acetylcholinesterase and human serum butyrylcholinesterase. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 91: 1149-1157.
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  43. De Carvalho Correa, M., P. Maldonado, C.S. da Rosa, G. Lunkes and D.S. Lunkes et al., 2008. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in hypertensive and ischemic patients of both acute and chronic stages. Biomed. Pharmacother., 62: 317-324.
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  44. Ahmed, M., J.B.T. Rocha, C.M. Mazzanti, W. Hassan and V.M. Morsch et al., 2008. Comparative study of the inhibitory effect of antidepressants on cholinesterase activity in Bungarus sindanus (krait) venom, human serum and rat striatum. J. Enzyme Inhibit. Med. Chem., 23: 912-917.
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  45. Mazzanti, C.M., R.M. Spanevello, A. Morsch, R. Zanin and V. Battisti et al., 2007. Previous treatment with ebselen and vitamin E alters adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in platelets from adult rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. Life Sci., 81: 241-248.
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  46. Mazzanti, C.M., R. Spanevello, M. Ahmed, R. Schmatz and A. Mazzanti et al., 2007. Cyclosporine A inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. Int. J. Dev. Neurosci., 25: 259-264.
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  47. Khan, S., M. Ahmad and H. Khan, 2007. A low molecular weight alkaline serine protease from the seeds of Nelumbo nucifera: Purification and characterization. J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 29: 155-159.
  48. Ahmed, M., J.B.T. Rocha, C.M. Mazzanti, A.L. Morsch and D. Cargnelutti et al., 2007. Malathion, carbofuran and paraquat inhibit Bungarus sindanus (krait) venom acetylcholinesterase and human serum butyrylcholinesterase in vitro. Ecotoxicology, 16: 363-369.
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  49. Mazzanti, C.M., R.M. Spanevello, L.B. Pereira, J.F. Goncalves and R. Kaizer et al., 2006. Acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide and treated with interferon beta. Neurochem. Res., 31: 1027-1034.
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  50. Mazzanti, C.M., R.M. Spanevello, A. Obregon, L.B. Pereira and C.A. Streher et al., 2006. Ethidium bromide inhibits rat brain acetylcholinesterase activity in vitro. Chemico-Biol. Interact., 162: 121-127.
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  51. Ahmed, M., J.B.T. Rocha, M. Correa, C.M. Mazzantia and R.F. Zanin et al., 2006. Inhibition of two different cholinesterases by tacrine. Chem. Biol. Interact., 162: 165-171.
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