Dr. Haytham Mahmoud Mohamad Daradka
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Dr. Haytham Mahmoud Mohamad Daradka

Associate Professor
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jarash Private University, Jordan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology from Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India

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Dr. Haytham Mahmoud Mohamad Daradka is currently working as Associate Professor at Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Jarash Private University, Jordan He has completed Ph.D. in Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology from Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India. Previously he was appointed as Associate Professor at Jarash University. His main area of interest focuses on male and female reproductive system, the effect of medicinal plant on fertility in rats and mice, the effect of cholesterol on fertility in rats and rabbits, the effect of medicinal plant on hyperlipidaemia in rats and rabbits, and the effect of medicinal plant on hyperglycemia in rats and mice. He has published 32 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Physiology
Animal Anatomy
Animal Behaviour

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Daradka, H.M., K.M.S. Mansi, B.R. Alsehli, A.M. Mohamed, Y.S. Binnaser, M. Badawneh and J. Aljamal, 2017. Antihyperlipidemic activity of zygophyllum simplex ethanolic extract on high cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats. IJBPAS, 6: 2414-2430.
  2. Badawneh, M., J.A. Jamal, B.R.A. Sehli and H.M. Daradka. 2017. Antidiabetics effects of ethanolic Extract of Taraganum nudatum on alloxan induced diabetics wistar rats. IJBPAS, 6: 918-930.
  3. Daradka, H.M., 2016. Evaluation of hematological and biochemical activity of ethanolic extract of zygophyllum simplex linn. in wistar rats. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., Vol. 19. 10.3923/pjbs.2016..
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  4. Khouri, N.A., H.M. Daradka, M.Z. Allouh and A.S. Alkofahi, 2015. Comparative effects of orchis anatolica vs. the red korean panax ginseng treatments on testicular structure and function of adult male mice. J. Complementary Integr. Med., 12: 33-41.
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  5. Khalil, A.M. and H.M. Daradka, 2015. Survey of community perception of genetic implications of consanguineous marriage in almadina almunawwarah area in Saudi Arabia. J. Invest. Genomics, .
  6. Allouh, M.Z., H.M. Daradka and J.H. Abu Ghaida, 2015. Influence of cyperus esculentus tubers (tiger nut) on male rat copulatory behavior. BMC Complementary Altern. Med., 15: 331-331.
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  7. Mansi, K.M., H. Daradka, M. Al Sheikh and T. Aburjai, 2014. Ethanol extract derived from seeds of apium graveolens L.(apiaceae) enhancing fertility in diabetic male rats. Int. J. Pharm. Clin. trials, 2014: 1175-1182.
  8. Khouri, N.A., H.M. Daradka and A.S. Alkofahi, 2014. Androgenic mediated effects of dried orchis anatolica plant root bulbs on male rats` reproductive system. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 23: 735-743.
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  9. Daradka, H.M., M.M. Abas, M.A. Mohammad and M.M. Jaffar, 2014. Antidiabetic effect of artemisia absinthium extracts on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 23: 1733-1742.
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  10. Daradka, H.M., M. Badawneh, J.A. Al Jamal and Y. Bataineh, 2014. Hypolipidemic efficacy of artemisia absinthium extracts in rabbits. World Appl. Sci. J., 31: 1415-1421.
  11. Daradka, H.M. J. Ahmad, A.K. Alomari, N.M.Y. Alshibly and M. Al Masad, 2014. Homotopy solution for ratio-dependent predator-prey system problem standard and multistage approach. Res. J. Applied Sci., 9: 23-26.
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  12. Allouh, M.Z., H.M. Daradka, M.M. Al Barbarawi and A.G. Mustafa, 2014. Fresh onion juice enhanced copulatory behavior in male rats with and without paroxetine-induced sexual dysfunction. Exp. Biol. Med., 239: 177-182.
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  13. Khouri, N.A. and H. Daradka, 2013. Antidiabetic effect of orchis anatolica root extracts on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 22: 347-354.
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  14. Nabil, A.K. and H. Daradka, 2012. Blood biochemical changes associated with acute treatment of orchis anatolica plant roots ethanol extract in adult albino rats. Int. J. Appl. Biol. Pharm. Technol., 3: 73-81.
  15. Khouri, N.A. and H. Daradka, 2012. Histopathological effects of short and long-term treatment of orchis antolica crude root extract on female albino rats fertility and pregnancy. Pak. J. biol. Sci., 15: 198-202.
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  16. Daradka, H.M. and N. Moh, 2012. Effect of artemisia alba L. extract against ethinylestradiol induced genotoxic damage in cultured human lymphocytes. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11: 15246-15250.
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  17. Allouh, M.Z., N.A. Khouri, H.M. Daradka and E.G. Kaddumi, 2010. Orchis anatolica root ingestion improves sexual motivation and performance in male rats. J. Complementary Integr. Med., .
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  18. Shahwan, M.J., T.M. Al-Qirim and H. Daradka, 2009. Hypolipidaemic effects of Euphorbia prostrata in rabbits. J. Biol. Sci., 9: 88-91.
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  19. Shahwan, M.J., T.M. Al-Qirim and H. Daradka, 2009. Effects of Ballota undulata on blood biochemical parameters. Asian Biomed., 3: 171-175.
  20. Mohamad, M.M.J. and H. Daradka, 2009. Effects of black seeds (Nigella Sativa) on spermatogenesis and fertility of male albino rats. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci., 4: 386-390.
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  21. Daradka, H.M., 2009. The effect of Salvia fruticosa ingestion on male rat sexual behavior. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4: 1288-1291.
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  22. Qazan, W.S., M.M. Almasad and H. Daradka, 2007. Short and long effects of Citrullus colocynthis L. on reproductive system and fertility in female Spague-Dawley rats. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 2699-2703.
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  23. Nusier, M.K., H.N. Bataineh, Z.M. Bataineh and H.M. Daradka, 2007. Effects of Ballota nigra on glucose and insulin in alloxan-diabetic Albino rats. Neuroendocrinol. Lett., 28: 470-472.
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  24. Nusier, M.K., H.N. Bataineh, Z.M. Bataineh and H.M. Daradka, 2007. Effects of Ballota nigra on blood biochemical parameters and insulin in albino rats. Neuroendocrinol. Lett., 28: 473-476.
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  25. Nusier, M.K., H.N. Bataineh, Z.M. Bataineh and H.M. Daradka, 2007. Effect of frankincense (Boswellia thurifera) on reproductive system in adult male rat. J. Health Sci., 53: 365-370.
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  26. Nusier, M.K., H.N. Bataineh and H.M. Daradkah, 2007. Adverse effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on reproductive function in adult male rats. Exp. Biol. Med., 232: 809-813.
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  27. Nusier, M.K., H.N. Bataineh and H.M. Daradka, 2007. Adverse effects of propranolol on reproductive function in adult male mice. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 2728-2731.
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  28. Khouri, N.A., Z. El-Akawi and H. Daradka, 2007. Effect of short-term treatment with Citrullus colocynthis L on the lipid profile and other blood biochemical parameters in albino rats. Asian J. Chem., 19: 1468-1472.
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  29. Khataibeh, M.H. and H. Daradka, 2007. Antiandrogenic activity of Artemisia herba-alba in male albino rats, with emphasis on biochemical parameters. Asian J. Chem., 19: 2595-2602.
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  30. El-Banna, N.M., S.S. Quddoumi and H. Daradka, 2007. Antimicrobial substances produced by bacteria isolated from different Jordanian sources that are active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 6: 1837-1839.
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  31. Daradka, H., M.M. Almasad, W.S. Qazan, N.M. El-Banna and O.H. Samara, 2007. Hypolipidaemic effects of Citrullus colocynthis L. in rabbits. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 2768-2771.
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  32. Bataineh, H.N., Z.M. Bataineh and H. Daradka, 2007. Short-term exposure of female rats to industrial metal salts: Effect on implantation and pregnancy. Reprod. Med. Biol., 6: 179-183.
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  33. Almasad, M.M., W.S. Qazan and H. Daradka, 2007. Reproductive toxic effects of Artemisia herba alba ingestion in female spague-dawley rats. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 3158-3161.
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  34. Daradka, H. and M. Batiha, 2006. Antiandrogenic activity of Ruta graveolens L. in female albino rats. Asian J. Chem., 18: 2280-2284.
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  35. Purohit, A. and H.M.M. Daradka, 2000. Antidiabetic activity of szygium cumini seeds extract in alloxan induced diabetic mice. Hamdard medicus, 43: 33-34.
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