Dr. Archana Panchapakesan Iyer
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Dr. Archana Panchapakesan Iyer

Associate Professor
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai, UAE

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from University of Madras, India

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I am a Ph.D in molecular biology with 17 years experience as a researcher and an academician. My areas of specialization are molecular biology, human and microbial genetics, bioinformatics and molecular diagnostics. I have worked in the biotech industry developing various commercially significant research outputs. I have also been an avid academician with teaching experience at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels, publishing more than 50 research papers in reputed ISI indexed journals. For the past nine years I have worked in Saudi Arabia as a Professor of Biochemistry at King Abdulaziz University as well as deputy head, molecular biology unit at the King Fahd Medical Research Centre, Jeddah. I have been instrumental in sanctioning and execution of various research grants from the Deanship of Scientific Research as well as Ministry of education and research in the fields of molecular diagnostics. I am enclosing herewith my detailed biodata for your perusal. I hope we can use my expertise relevantly for a mutually beneficial association.

Area of Interest:

Molecular Sciences
Molecular Diagnostic
Food Technology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kumosani, T., D. Ahmadieh, H. Shaib, S. Hamadeh and A. Iyer et al., 2015. Oseltamivir activity against avian influenza H9N2 strain with different point mutations in their neuraminidase. Veterinaria Italiana, 51: 217-224.
  2. Barbour, E.K., R.R. Bragg, G. Karrouf, A. Iyer, E. Azhar, S. Harakeh and T. Kumosani, 2015. Control of eight predominant Eimeria spp. involved in economic coccidiosis of broiler chicken by a chemically characterized essential oil. J. Applied Microbiol., 118: 583-591.
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  3. Barbour, E.K., D.B. Ayyash, W.Y.A. Alturkistni, A.H.M. Alyahiby and S.S.M. Yaghmoor et al., 2015. Impact of Sporadic reporting of poultry Salmonella serovars from selected developing countries. J. Infect. Dev. Countries, 9: 1-7.
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  4. Barbour, E.K., D.B. Ayyash, I. Archana, S. Harakeh and T. Kumosani, 2015. A review of approaches targeting the replacement of coccidiostat application in poultry production. Rev. Bras. Cienc. Avic., 17: 405-418.
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  5. Barbour, E.K., C.A. Assi, H. Shaib, S. Hamadeh and A. Iyer et al., 2015. Evaluation of a Salmonella Enteritidis vaccine and related ELISA for respective induction and assessment of acquired immunity to the vaccine and/or Echinacea purpurea in awassi ewes. Vaccine, 33: 2228-2231.
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  6. Asimakopoulos, A.G., X. Jingchuan, P.D.C. Bruno, I. Archana and O.A. Khalid et al., 2015. Urinary biomarkers of exposure to 57 xenobiotics and its association with oxidative stress in a population in jeddah, Saudi Arabia. J. Environ. Res., 150: 573-581.
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  7. Shaib, H.A., C. Nelly, R. Thierry, M.A.N. Afif and I. Archana et al., 2014. Passaging impact of H9N2 avian influenza virus in hamsters on its pathogenicity and genetic variability. J. Infec. Dev. Countries, 8: 570-580.
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  8. Kumosani, T., I. Archana, Y. Jehad, B. Elie and H. Steve, 2014. Salmonella among humans of asian countries. Sylwan J., 156: 189-201.
  9. Kumosani, T., I. Archana and Y. Soonham, 2014. Detection of Escherischia coli O157:H7 in different foods in jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Pensee J., 75: 82-90.
  10. Kumosani, T., A. Iyer, S. Yaghmoor, M. Hagras and Y. Hetari, 2014. Association of GNB3 C825T polymorphism with obesity in Saudi population. Life Sci. J., 11: 282-285.
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  11. Iyer, A.P., B. Ibtisam, A. Mai and K. Taha, 2014. Nosocomial infections in Saudi Arabia caused by methicillin resistance staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Clin. Microbiol., 3: 1-5.
  12. Iyer, A.P., A. Mai, B. Ibtisam, M. Al Ghamdi and K. Taha, 2014. Salmonella as a food borne pathogen in Saudi Arabia : A minireview. Wulfenia J., 21: 204-212.
  13. Iyer, A.P., A. Mai and B. Ibtisam, 2014. Mastitis in camels in african and middle east countries. J. Infec. Dev. Countries, 5: 1-11.
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  14. Iyer, A., K. Taha, A. Esam, B. Elie and H. Steve, 2014. High incidence rate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among healthcare workers in Saudi Arabia. J. Infec. Dev. Countries, 8: 372-378.
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  15. Fageeh, W., I. Archana, A. Naif, A. Wafa and Y. Soonham et al., 2014. Prevalence and Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Infections among inmates of a drug rehabilitation center in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study. Epidemiol., 10.4172/2161-1165.1000154.
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  16. Barbour, E.K., S.K. Dankar, H.A. Shaib, T. Kumosani and A. Iyer et al., 2014. Antimicrobial profile of essential oils extracted from wild versus cultivated Origanum ehrenberjii against enteric bacteria. J. Infec. Dev. Countries, 8: 1344-1349.
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  17. Barbour, E., A. Danielle, S. Houssam, B. Robert and I. Archana et al., 2014. Koch’s postulate in reproduction of broiler coccidiosis by co-infection with eight most common Eimeria spp.: A model for future evaluation of new biologics. Int. J. Appl. Res. Vet. Med., 12: 76-83.
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  18. Al Harithy, N., I. Archana and Q. Mohammed, 2014. Collagen Type 1 alpha 1 gene polymorphism and its relationship to osteoporosis in postmenopausal Saudi women. Pensee J., 76: 14-25.
  19. Iyer, A., K. Taha, Y. Soonham, B. Elie, A. Esam and H. Steve, 2013. Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. in meat in jeddah, Saudi Arabia. J. Infec. Dev. Countries, 7: 812-818.
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  20. Iyer, A., B. Elie, A. Esam, Q. Ishtiaq and C. Adeel et al., 2013. Bacteriophages in Escherichia coli antimicrobial resistance. Adv. Biosci. Biotechnol., 4: 469-476.
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  21. Iyer, A., B. Elie, A. Esam, A.A. El Salabi and M.A.H. Hani et al., 2013. Transposable elements in Escheriscia coli antimicrobial resistance. Adv. Biosci. Biotechnol., 4: 415-423.
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  22. Hettari, Y., I. Archana, S.M.E. Said, M.A. Saleh, A. Nabil and K. Taha, 2013. Correlation between framingham heart study and obesity for prediction of risk of cardiovascular disease in Saudi population. Pensee J., 75: 253-265.
  23. Harakeh, S., S. Imane, H. Ahmad, M.A.H. Hani and I. Archana et al., 2013. Preliminary study related to specific nutrient synergy-modulation of antimicrobial resistance of bacteria isolated from dairy products. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res., 7: 2351-2358.
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  24. Barbour, E.K., H.A. Shaib, E. Azhar, T. Kumosani, A. Iyer, S. Harakeh and R.R. Bragg, 2013. Modulation by essential oil of vaccine response and production improvement in chicken challenged with velogenic newcastle disease virus. J. Appl. Microbiol., 115: 1278-12860.
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  25. Iyer, A.P., 2012. PCR based sex determination without DNA extraction. Prime Res. Biotechnol., 2: 38-39.
  26. Kumosani, T.A., N.A. Mohamed and I. Archana, 2011. Cardiovascular diseases in Saudi Arabia. Prime Res. Med. J., 1: 1-6.
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  27. Iyer, A and K. Taha, 2010. PCR based detection of food borne pathogens. World Acad. Sci. Technol. J., 4: 332-334.
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