Dr. Dariyoush Jamshidi
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Dr. Dariyoush Jamshidi

Assistant Professor
University of Nizwa, Oman

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Business Administration from University Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

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Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Business Administration
Behavioural Finance
Islamic Banking

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Rousta, A. and D. Jamshidi, 2019. Food tourism value: Investigating the factors that influence tourists to revisit. J. Vacation Market., (In Press). 10.1177/1356766719858649.
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  2. Keshavarz, Y. and D. Jamshidi, 2018. Service quality evaluation and the mediating role of perceived value and customer satisfaction in customer loyalty. Int. J. Tourism Cities, 4: 220-244.
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  3. Jamshidi, D., Y. Keshavarz, F. Kazemi and M. Mohammadian, 2018. Mobile banking behavior and flow experience: An integration of utilitarian features, hedonic features and trust. Int. J. Social Econ., 45: 57-81.
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  4. Jamshidi, D. and N. Hussin, 2018. An integrated adoption model for Islamic credit card: PLS-SEM based approach. J. Islamic Accounting Bus. Res., 9: 308-335.
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  5. Jamshidi, D., Y. Keshavarz and F. Bakhtazma, 2016. The influence of service quality on restaurants' customer loyalty. Oman Chapter Arabian J. Bus. Manage. Rev., 6: 1-16.
  6. Jamshidi, D. and N. Hussin, 2016. Islamic credit card adoption understanding: When innovation diffusion theory meets satisfaction and social influence. J. Promotion Manage., 22: 897-917.
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  7. Jamshidi, D. and N. Hussin, 2016. Forecasting patronage factors of Islamic credit card as a new e-commerce banking service: An integration of TAM with perceived religiosity and trust. J. Islamic Market., 7: 378-404.
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  8. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin, F.D. Hazrati and M. Karami, 2015. Islamic banking scheme: A new silver bullet in banking industry. Arabian J. Bus. Manage. Rev., 3: 39-44.
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  9. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin and H.L. Wan, 2015. Islamic banking services adoption as a new banking restructure: Examining its adoption from the perspective of DOI theory and trust in Malaysia. Humanomics: Int. J. Syst. Ethics, 31: 214-223.
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  10. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin, Z. Jafarian and H.L. Wan, 2014. Investigating the factors that influence acceptance of islamic credit card as a new banking service. Kuwait Chapter Arabian J. Bus. Manage. Rev., 3: 71-83.
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  11. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin, K. Hashemi, S.M. Hosseini and B. Rostami, 2014. Recognizing bank clients factors underpinning Islamic home financing adoption. Arabian J. Bus. Manage. Rev., 3: 48-57.
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  12. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin and H.L. Wan, 2014. Islamic banking expansion and demographic factors importance: A review base study. Nigerian Chapter of Arabian J. Bus. Manage. Rev., 1: 24-31.
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  13. Jamshidi, D., K. Hashemi, N. Hussin, H.L. Wan and S. Mossafa, 2014. Investigating critical factors influencing acceptance and marketing strategies of Islamic banking services in Malaysia. Int. J. Account. Res., 1: 41-49.
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  14. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin and H.L. Wan, 2013. The potential impact of demographic items on Islamic banking services acceptance and usage. Int. J. Soc. Sci. Hum. Res., 1: 34-39.
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  15. Jamshidi, D. and N. Hussin, 2013. Determining a conceptual framework for adoption of islamic credit card in context of Malaysia. J. Basic Applied Sci. Res., 3: 188-196.
  16. Jamshidi, D., N. Pouradeli, M. Ansari and M. Jamshidy, 2012. The effect of financial market in New Zealand's economic development. Int. J. Soc. Econ. Res., Vol. 2. 10.5958/j.2249-6270.2.2.002.
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  17. Jamshidi, D., N. Hussin, A. Roustasekahravani and Z. Pirzadeh, 2012. Potential linkage between stock market development and banking structure improvement on economic growth of Malaysia. Interdiscip. J. Contemp. Res. Bus., 4: 325-333.
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  18. Jamshidi, D., M. Ansari, N. Hussin and A. Khalighi, 2012. A stock game: Picking the winners and losers in Malaysia stock market. Asian J. Dev. Matt., 2: 160-169.
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  19. Jamshidi, D. and N. Hussin, 2012. A conceptual framework for adoption of Islamic credit card in Malaysia. Kuwait Chapter Arabian J. Bus. Manage. Rev., 2: 102-110.
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  20. Jamshidi, D. and M. Ansari, 2012. Investing in vehicles industry during recession in united states. Int. J. Soc. Econ. Res., 2: 27-36.
  21. Jamshidi, D. and A. Rezaei, 2012. Islamic credit card adoption: A conceptual framework. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 6: 53-60.
  22. Manafi, M., M. Salehi, R. Hojabri, R. Gheshmi, D. Jamshidi and P. Khatibi, 2011. The impact of regulatory framework and bank initiatives on the adoption of internet banking in Iran. IJCRB J., 3: 834-850.
  23. Manafi, M., M. Saeidinia, R. Gheshmi, R. Hojabri, O. Fazel and D. Jamshidi, 2011. Brand equity determinants in educational industry: A study of large universities of Malaysia. IJCRB J., 3: 769-781.
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