What is LiveDNA?
LiveDNA is the first community-oriented, a non-profit organization in Asia formulated to preserve the scientific record and connect the researchers with their research work and scholarly contributions with a unique Digital Identifier (a LiveDNA). This digital Identifier not only allows the researcher and professionals to protect their intellectual, academic, and professional identity, but also facilitates them to keep their records updated, and ready to share with the global publishing community.

The LiveDNA vision is to integrate, protect and improve the research ecology in the world with a key focus on Asia
Features of LiveDNA:
- Distinguish yourself from other researchers
- Exclusively committed to openness, transparency and the protection of scholars' Information
- Supports researchers and automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities and affiliations
- Ensuring that works are properly attributed and discoverable
- Serves as an information hub, enabling machine-readable connections between identifiers for organizations, works, and personal IDs.
- Provide Improvised tracking of publications
- Centralized infrastructure and technical support
- Works collaboratively with the research community to ensure adoption and use of research information standards
- Engage the community to embed, authenticate and assert
- Registration for a Live DNA is Fast and Free
The mission of the LiveDNA is to ensure scientific discoverability, promote transparency in research, and strengthen collaboration between researchers, institutions, and organizations.
Why LiveDNA?
Researchers and scholars are recognized primarily for their peer-reviewed journal articles. And even then, many are not well recognized because of variations in how their name appears in the published literature. Some names are shared with many other people, some names are transliterated or misspelled, and some names change over a person's career. These variations, or ambiguities, make it very difficult to accurately identify a person's body of work.
Hence, the global scientific community has realized how important it is to affiliate and associate individuals with their research and scholarly works: journal articles, monographs, data sets, software, etc. In Asia, LiveDNA has become the first to realize the significance to link and cite people and their scholarly contributions. It helps to understand an individual's contribution, alter our view of knowledge production, and potentially alter incentives for what and how to research and scholarly activity is carried out, acknowledged, and rewarded.

LiveDNA provides information and other resources to its Ambassadors to further support their outreach efforts
The LiveDNA selects energetic and volunteer individuals as LiveDNA Ambassadors. The aim of choosing ambassadors is to help facilitate the adoption of LiveDNA's identifiers locally and globally. These ambassadors-junior and senior, researchers and managers, across disciplines and geography are selected to educate friends and colleagues about LiveDNA and identify opportunities for LiveDNA in their particular spheres. Ambassadors include organizations, researchers, faculty and university administration, librarians, funders, and association, and publishing professionals.
The LiveDNA provides information and other resources to its Ambassadors to further support their outreach efforts, such as:
- Organizing and leading LiveDNA presentations at conferences and their institutions
- Posting LiveDNA information on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites
- Displaying their LiveDNA (id's) in their email signature, CV, and Web site
- Educating friends and colleagues about LiveDNA through informal conversations
- Encouraging their organization or nation to become a member and embed LiveDNA identifiers in research workflows.
Through Ambassador Program we are increasing our work and visibiltiy around the world.
Be an Ambassador